Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Joyeux Paques!

Coming just a little late, but happy Easter to everyone! I hope you all had a safe and relaxing long weekend. I'm not sure where to begin with mine! It has been a delicious, chocolate fueled weekend thanks to Le Nôtre, a very chic deli with amazing food. I was given this scrumptious cake - it's called 'Pleasure' - and chocolate eggs, by the family. Melt in the mouth delicious! I popped into one of the local Le Nôtre boutiques to buy an Easter gift for my friend Caroline, and watched in amazement as the woman in front of me spent 80€ on a giant egg for her daughter. I bought the cheapest thing I could find!
I spent Saturday night just north of Paris in the cute little village where Caroline lives. In the morning we roamed the local market, bought a picnic and drove a bit further north to the town of Chantilly. We sat in the sun eating skittles and took some photos of the chateau from outside the walls. Sadly it was too expensive to visit as there was a horsey show happening in the grounds which bumped the prices up.
Eager to visit something beautiful we stopped in at the Abbey de Royaumont on the way home. I'm so glad we did because it was a gorgeous tranquil place and looked stunning in the last afternoon light with all the new green growth of spring.

There are lot more photos if you follow the link! We drove into Paris for the evening and went out dancing at Barrio Latino, a very cool cafe near the Bastille. It comprises 3 stories in a beautifully renovated old building, full of curvy old settees and velvet footstools. And once the dancing starts...well if you really want details you'll have to email me, my inbox was so sadly meagre today...ah bribery.
Today was hot, hot, hot, and we picnicked again, but this time on the Champs de Mars with the Hillsong crew. I haven't actually been to Hillsong yet as it is on Friday nights and I work, but they are trying to launch a Sunday service so hopefully I can start going eventually. There were about 70 of us and it was so much fun, playing volleyball on grass, eating a lot more chocolate and meeting people from all around the world...Russia, America, Australia, South Africa, India - even two from New Zealand!


Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun easter Soph

Scotty said...

Sounds great. It is cool that you have met up with a group over there. It gives you a new circle of friends.

Anonymous said...

happy easter!!!
just in new plymouth... hanging out with simon and kerryn, just got back from ecamp!
crazy times...
tell us more about the dancing ;)