Monday, April 30, 2007


Thunder and lightening in Paris and finally some rain after many hot dry weeks. I know nothing about meteorology (or even if I have the right word there) but I wonder if being on a larger land mass makes for louder thunder, brighter lightening and a more impressive storm than I've ever seen in NZ. I have actually jumped a couple of times as the thunder has crashed through the night.
I'll quickly finish up telling ya bout my holiday. After Switzerland we drove up towards Strassbourg, but stayed on the German side of the border and went to Europa Park for a two days. I hadn't been to a theme park since I was about 11 and it was so much fun. I screamed my throat sore for the first three rides but it's funny how you get kind of used to the pure terror of plunging down 7 stories and then going upside down and all at terrifying speeds. Trop cool.
And the teacup ride, well that was definitely some scary times.

Last weekend Dave from Dunedin was in Paris for a couple of days so we got to catch up play tourist for a couple of hours. He takes even more photos than I do, so it was good not to get told off for having my camera out all the time.


Anonymous said...

SOPH> wow so cool that you hung with dave, bet it was rad!
I'm about to go to leaders meeting, i am hoping i will be inspired by a rocking game to play on tuesday night that will be amazing and fun! It will have t be pretty cool to be those two things without you...
SO jealous of the theme park action....You look very happy, so i am happy.

Scotty said...

It's amazing how the rides throw you around like nothing else before. I remember going to scream and no noise would come out.

Yeah it was really humid when I was in Switzerland. We got wicked thunder storms too. I think it is because you are in the middle of such a large mass of land!

P.S. An awesome action shot.

Anonymous said...

salut Sophie,
je suis vraiment contente qu'il ait fait si beau le jour de ton détour à Cassis. La méditerranée est si jolie sous le soleil. Bravo pour ta baignade, j'ai du mal à comprendre comment on peut nager dans une eau aussi froide!!!!! les kiwis sont sans doute des sortes d'hybrides entre l'homme et le poisson!

sophie said...

rach: go you good thing with the highway games! Did y'all get the email I sent? I sent it to the highway address, I hope it worked.

gabrielle: coucou! Oui Cassis était super, vraiment beau et tout ensoleillé. C'est vrai que l'eau était hyper froid mais je ne pouvais pas resister!

jessIe said...


im emailing you.