I almost back to my normal self. Still a little drowsy in the afternoons but feeling much more alive! And there are only 5 more school days until the summer holidays so I'm kind of slipping into a more relaxed mode. I've just sorted out my July holidays, which will start here in Paris with visits from Dunedinites and then I'll be flying to Austria to spend a couple of weeks with the Huber clan. I am very excited about this and am having visions of myself in a dress made from curtains dancing on a wild-flowered meadow and singing 'the hills are alive...' Even if that particular scene does not eventuate I am sure there will be much mountain walking and strudel eating and general unwinding after 4 months in Paris.
I have another week to plan out at the end of July and am tossing up between WWOOFing in Italy, checking out Croatia or possibly hitting Berlin again. It will kind of depend when the family needs me in August. I'm going to be joining them all in Cannes for what will surely be one of my most luxurious working holidays ever.
I have to keep thinking of theses lovely prospects as sawdust fills the air and parts of my kitchen pile up beside me. I've lost count, but the builders and plumber are back AGAIN to 'fix the leak'. I'm smug because I suggested right from the start that is was a leak from the apartment above and no one would listen to me and know it turns out that, whadd'ya know, it's all coming from my upstairs neighbour. Unfortunately all the water has ruined my walls during it's descent so it's out with the kitchen again.
I'll get some pictures of the craziness once the men have left. If they ever leave. It has been 3 hours already...
Summer in Europe brings back so many memories of 12 months ago. I remember going to Cannes. It is lifestyle of the rich and famous. I loved the dogs who were dressed to the nines and the fake bleached hair shrivelled fifty something year old women and guys parading around in speedos. The sun is brilliant though it doesn't burn like here.
Wwoofing would be different!
WOW. new kitchen huh?
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