Saturday, March 10, 2007

Jolies Fleurs

Yesterday was 'Fête des Femmes' in France...and possibly elsewhere in the world too. I was first alerted to this fact when a gentleman outside a big department store offered me a scented ribbon, wishing me a 'happy woman's day'. That's nice I thought, it's not everyday you get a smelly piece of fabric from a total stranger. In french class we discussed the fête and our teacher told us that these days the occasion is most often marked by 'manifestations' for women's rights etc.
I had a busy afternoon with the kids and was totally worn out by 8.30pm when it was time for dinner with guests. My fatigue soon evaporated however when the delightful guests arrived and the champagne was served. I met the first nanny that the twins had when they were born, a lovely Canadian woman who has since married a French man and settled in Paris with him. His parents also joined us.
Conversation was rapid and I tried to hold my own in a debate about the upcoming presidential elections, mostly I nodded and smiled.
The four courses were amazing and with desert the children's father gave all the women at the table a beautiful bouquet!
Canadian nanny met her husband at an Italian restaurant in Paris, I'm joining them there tonight for dinner with some of their friends.
Their parting words at the end of the evening were "we'll make sure we find Sophie a French husband too."


Scotty said...

Does it not seem ironic that you go around the world to France to meet a French guy in an Italian restaurant?

So this may become the regular hangout point.

Even in English conversations about politics it is often best just to smile and nod!

Miss Jackson said...

ooh la la

Jon said...

Haha doahh...

jessIe said...

ha! amazing amazing AMAZING!!


or should I say... je adore! (ha! there's some french for you!!)

"it's not everyday you get a smelly piece of fabric from a total stranger"- i love also!

gosh, you and your amazing french in deli new world dunedin....such contrast!!!

Wana swap??!!

want. to. go. overseas. NOW!!!!!!