Friday, May 11, 2007

Ah Kids.

I'm tired. I just added up how much time I have spent with children since Sunday evening - and it's about 43 hours. Until Wednesday we had two extra kids staying - brothers with impressive lung capacities - and Tuesday was a birthday party with 15 gamins! And I can tell you, trying to get 5 kids bathed and fed and into bed within 2 hours is like, um, searching for an analogy, um, walking up Baldwin street with a sack of piglets under each arm and one jumping on your head. Twice. And getting 15 kids to take their shoes off, wash their hands and please stop biting Clementine is, well, arghhh!
So yes, it has been fun and I am SO glad that it is Friday tomorrow. And although I'm moaning a bit now, the birthday party was really cool. A fairy themed fĂȘte for la petite, her twin brother will celebrate his next week - so I get to do the whole shebang over again!
Here are some pics of the wee treasures.
And that little girl in the top photo who is crying (in the red sack) cried every 15 minutes. In every photo that she appears in (and I took about 100) she is crying.


Mrs Holman said...

Sophie that party looks amazing! I would have died when I was a kid if I had been to a party like that!

Scotty said...

They don't do things by half. The food would've been a step up on what I used to have.

Jenn said...

oh i hear ya about kid overload! ru and beth have just left after staying for 4 get home from bathing 4 kids in a row and find an overtired 3yr old waiting for me!! lots of fun though.

jessIe said...

Oh how cute.
Why was she crying?
WOW. your week sounded intense! I hope I get to meet these kids/family when I come see you!!

Anonymous said...

i wish i was invited to the party, i miss you..