Monday, May 7, 2007

And the winner is...

Well, I don't know yet but the results of the presidential elections will be announced in a few short hours. Ségo or Sarky? Left of Right? Madame or Monsieur?
I've just been to a salsa class, - on a boat! - and driving around the Place de Concord and down the Champs Elysées we saw everyone getting ready for the big moment. There were police vans and cars everywhere, TV crews getting set up, lighting, satellite dishes, camermen, curious tourists. And of course the French flag is flying from every building, and hanging from every second tree down the Champs Elysées.


Mrs Holman said...

It's Sarkozy!!

jessIe said...

wow...sounds intense

Scotty said...

You are a part of French history. Allez les Bleues!

Actually I have no real preference. It is great to see such a passionate culture.

Anonymous said...

Hi soph

I have just been watching the news and they are talking about the out break of violence. looks really exciting !
I remember when I was in Paris and there were youth riots and I saw hundreds of police cars and trucks hurtling round the centre of the city I was so excited and scared at the same time We heard the marchers and then we were told to get of the street! What a let down. Keep safe.