Monday, October 13, 2008

The kiwi has landed...

..right in a pile of these.
No longer am I to munch on patisseries in Paris. Now it will be fatty chips in Roslyn.
But really, so long as the cravings for goats cheese and pastis don't get too overwhelming, it's pretty great to be home. I mean what is there not to like about this:

So in view of the fact that I am blatantly no longer in Paris but think I would like to keep blogging, there are gonna be some changes round here. On the blog that is, maybe personally too, we'll see about that in future posts.
Some last snaps of France? Try and stop me.

The Monastery of Mont St Michel

Traditional Breton costumes

From the Tuileries gardens at sunset

The ruins of the Royaumont Abbey

Yellow boat in Concarneau


Scotty said...

Back to familiar surrounds. Nothing like good ol' Watties Tomato Sauce! I thought I would check out the blogger community to see what the gang is up to!

Morwenna said...

I could murder a scoop of chips like that! In fact, I will, just as soon as I get home! And please do keep blogging! Your photos are brilliant!